Course curriculum

This course is designed to work in two ways. You can take each module as short, stand alone lessons to warm up your voice quickly before speaking or singing and learn the material over time or as a full 90 minute class by letting it autoplay to get the full benefit of each of these powerful practices in one transformative package. Either way you choose, you will feel a deeper connection to your voice in your body, relieve tension and gain more confidence through this proven routine.

    1. Intro (start here)

    2. Module 1 Humming Stretch Warm Up

    3. Module 2 Self Massage

    4. Module 3 Cat/Cow with Slides

    5. Module 4 Straw Warm Up

    6. Module 5 Breath of Fire

    7. Module 6 Voice into Body

    8. Module 7 Sun Salutation with Song

    9. Module 8 Malasana with Zooh

    10. Module 9 Happy Baby Pose

    11. Module 10 Twists with Massage and Release

    12. Module 11 Savasana with Body Scan

  • $108.00
  • 12 lessons
  • 1.5 hours of video content

Is this course right for you?

This course isn't just for singers but also for anyone who speaks throughout the day that experiences vocal fatigue. If you are...

  • Wanting to speak and sing with more confidence and power

  • Experiencing tightness and tension in your voice and/or body

  • A teacher, public speaker, or singer (professional or not) wanting to warm up your voice in a safe and relaxed way

  • Feeling unable to speak up when it matters most

  • Needing to heal from vocal surgery or trauma

By the end of this course you will have...

  • Safe and reliable warm ups for your voice

    Get your voice ready in a safe and relaxing way before speaking and/or singing. This will give you control and access to your full vocal range while protecting your voice,

  • Relieve tension in your body and voice

    Through these proven practices you will gain connection to your voice and body, allowing you to consciously relax and release old tension patterns that hold you back.

  • Confidence and power

    By rooting your voice into your body, you will create confidence in the sound of your voice and through strengthening your abdominal muscles and core you will gain power and presence.


“As an enthusiastic but shy singer, I am eager to befriend my voice despite the vulnerability that arises. I’m so grateful to Micaela for her vast knowledge about singing and movement and for her ability to share her understanding in clear and accessible ways. This vocal yoga practice helped release a lot of tension in my shoulders and neck, which helped me sense into the muscles around my vocal cords in a new way. What a sweet experience to combine sun salutations with singing! I felt connected to new parts of myself by approaching singing in this guided, playful way. ”

“These modules were the practice I have been wanting in my life! I look forward to repeating them to help me stay more grounded and embodied. I feel what Micaela is offering is absolute gold, not only when it comes to learning how to support the voice, but also in ways that will ripple out into other aspects of life. It truly is all connected. So grateful to this exists! Thank you”

“So much I found. This course provided a transformative journey for me through the realms of breath, body, and voice. Giving one's self the opportunity to let go in so many ways. These well crafted practices, invited me to explore the profound synergy between movement and sound, a deeper sense of self-awareness, expression, and fun. It's an opportunity to harmonize the body, mind, and spirit, paving the way for personal growth and transformation. I thoroughly enjoyed it.”

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Let your voice be your guide